Seeking for emptiness, slowness, naturalness...
On the outside I am definitely a minimilast. So I would call myself a fashion minimalist also. Might be that I am to comfy to handle tons of clothes and shoes. My require : it
should be practically and multifunctional :)... The last years I spent with giving things away making room for myself. The main reason for being a minimalist is this feeling of being free, going
wherever you want, whenever you want with quite a light rucksack ;)… and that I am convinced there are so many beautiful things to do or to see in the world that are for free and that too much
stuff will keep you too busy to explore and see those things.
Fulfilness... Inspiration... lovely things...
The other reason, I´m an artist and I have to admit I love lovely things and many things or ideas I see or hear inspire me. I do not have to own those things but
many of them are awakening a special interest for diving deeper into new subjects… that´s keepin me very busy … because it´s kind of difficult to sort out all those impressions to make some room
for your individual expression.

Emptiness vs. Fulfilness, feminine vs. masculine,
yin vs. yang ?
So there are those two sides of me. If you´re watching this from another perspective you will see these are two aspects we shouldn´t reject. You might be too convinced or stubborn in
practicing one of those two sides, which in a more spiritual perspective are symbols of yin and yang or heaven and earth, emptiness vs. Fulfillness or inspiration. Thoughts vs.
Material things, air and love vs. Nature and earth, the more grounded things… We shouldn´t reject any of this aspects, whether the lightness of heaven nor the richness or fulfilness earth is
offering to us.

Happy people, happy earth...
We gotta combine both oft them. Neither should we hang too much on to our things nor are we meant to live in a grumpy ascetisim. We should integrate both aspects and incorporate a connection in which non of them is whether suppressed nor dominating. Feminine and masculine aspects, and both are in each and all of us, should be finally giving their hands to each other…
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