Lately I felt like someone gave me the keys to all the different worlds. I´ve been visiting many ´worlds´ before and got some insights how other people live. But this was different. For truly
beeing a part of something it doesn´t only take the knowledge of it´s existing. You gotta be open to let your whole believe system get crashed, over and over again ;) … I did believe that I was
open already but in this case it was only one single thought that kept me away from a world I always wanted to be part of even if I felt I always was. I´m talking about living the life of an
artist, a musician, a writer, a singer, an actor - a human being :)... In this case you really have to get rid of this existantial fears. ONLY one thought: You gotta have some kind of a work,
only to earn just a little, to keep you alife. And yes we are a huge society where everyone got it´s own work to do... but who decides what this ´work´ should look like. We always think about the
´common´ way and if we try to leave it... you know ...
And even if this sentence is bound to the minimum of an expactation how it should be… it was exactly this sentence which kept me away from my dreams ... (like a personal ´mum´ flying around my ears talking to me over and over again) As I recogniced it, as it let it break away… pam! the door was open… and of course it takes a lot more or less :) for living such a way of life…
However since this day when I decided to truly, deeply trust in life… I didn´t only feel like Alice ;) life started to show itself from it´s best side: coincidences, synchronicity…. One
second after another and even if these kind of things happened throughout my life, sometimes realizing more, sometimes less, I am still amazed and so happy life is talking to me in such a
beautiful way.
Light and shadow
And still there are questions. They´ll always be... and if you get deeper into something you become so curious. Sometimes you wish you´ve better never known a few things, but life always
gives you the answers of your deeply questions and the ones which result... if you carefully listen…
It´s a very old question - I guess - not sure whetcher if it´s born out of the rules and habits of society or if it´s just one of the existantial ones ... people have always been asking
themselves for long periods throughout time - though I believe time is an illusion :) . It´s the question of `good` and `bad`. Some spiritual people say that we might soon overcome this
question as we gain a higher state of consciousness. Out of my own experience I gotta say that I´ve always tried to keep my heart open for myself and people I meet in my life - and yes there are
those times where it´s quite difficult - you know ;) ...
Nevertheless I kept going and sometimes I felt like I failed, but now I think, that I never did fail.
I learned... with everyone and I am thankful for that. Even though in these times, when you are into that moment or maybe it´s because you are not really :), I asked myself if I was kind of naiv
and if I should have better left the `doors´ closed for some. But in the end I always felt this higher sense after getting to know whatever kind of people ... even if it´s been a ´good` or
These two sides are lying so close to each other... like yin and yang: the brightest light contains the part of the deepest shadow and the deepest shadow contains the brightest light... or
like someone I met by heart said just a few days ago: Every good day begins with darkness ... or how I thought to myself: People fear the darkness but they can´t stand the light. (Thank
god we got sunglasses ;) )
A not quite daily life situation :)
If you are in a situation, like it happened to me lately, where you feel as if your ´good´and ´bad´angel are sitting on your shoulder, fighting each other,both whisperin´ trustfully into
your ear and you´ re not sure anymore if the good one really is the good one... In this case it mitht be better to just lean back and put yourself out of this circumstance because as soon as you
become ´the observer´ , the ´neutral´, the whole situation mitht just become funny. And that´s how I see life at the moment: a huge stage where everyone got it´s own role to play (Thanks for this
Mr. Shakespeare)
Sometimes it´s hard to stand inbetween if you don´t wanna play your role anymore. Sometimes you are the director, sometimes the actor, sometimes the audience and sometimes something
beyond.... might feel as if you belong to nowhere.
Sometimes you think you gotta decide and choose and it´s eather so or so....
... life as a huge star ...
Whichever way you choose it´s always an outcome or ´outgoing´ starting from the middle, the center - it´s always connected to it. As long as you are happy with yourself and in peace with your own
personal ´outcomes´.
And if not:... I heard a wonderful song lately called: `Even this will past`...
Cheers Alice